Friday, June 26, 2015

1770s Robe a l'Anglaise (and The Poofy Purple Petticoat)

I've been so busy, this seems to be the permanent state of my car:

I also just realized this is the first proper-ish picture of the stays I made! 

On the bright side, I finally got a few pictures of my gown!

This was day two of our most recent "encampment" so it's a bit wrinkly, but still pretty! 
 I'm so pleased with how the back came out.  It was an experience, but so worth it!

Partial front view; you can see I had to remove the ruffles.  :( They were eaten by the washing machine (as expected) but when you're covered in mud, washability *is* the great part of a cotton gown.

Ah, the Poofy Purple Petticoat.  This was made in about 10 minutes before day 2, because my red linen petticoat had found its way into the washing machine but not into the dryer.  Somehow, in my head, making a new one seemed faster.  Of course my dryer is evil, so it probably was!  It's a slapped together drawstring petticoat made from several yards of very wide plum cotton.  I'm going to take it apart and stitch it by hand, but I'm kind of weirdly in love with it?  Perhaps this is because, despite the size of it, it's VERY cool.  My linen skirt is so heavy that I feel like I'm walking through water if I wear it on these ridiculously hot/humid days!

Happy sewing. :)

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