Friday, April 24, 2015

Five Thousand Projects Under the Sewing Machine

Happy Friday!  I am frantically getting ready for my first craft fair, and not taking many pictures along the way. So, instead of talking about my progress, I'm just going to share my inspiration board for my current projects. Lazy, yes, but cute things!

Follow C's board Vintage-ish Kids on Pinterest.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Allaire Village Reenactment 2015

I apologize for the delay--I know Tuesday is not Friday, but I have an excuse! We had a marvelous weekend at Allaire and it was really, really hard going back to "real life" yesterday.  My brain is currently all fuzzed up from allergies (thank you, nature!) so that wasn't helping.

Of course, picture evidence...

Friday, April 10, 2015

Friday Failure

I've lost count how many times I've ripped open seams on my robe à l'anglaise at this point, but at least the back is coming along.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Colonial Williamsburg, Spring 2015

It's Friday, I'm home from our trip, and I have been looking at my Williamsburg pictures all afternoon while sipping tea.  I feel spoiled.

It was such a great little vacation!  I cannot wait to go back, and I've been pestering my husband about a trip this summer already.

I was not able to go in costume as my blue linen gown is fighting me in the shoulders, and my cotton print gown is still unfinished, but luckily my daughter's costume was complete (mostly).